CS4V-17A Two Infantry, 4th Virginia Regiment
The 1st Brigade of the Army of the Shenandoah, commanded by Brigadier-General Thomas J. Jackson, earned their legendary nickname at First manassas on 21st July 1861. Arriving on the battlefield in time to stem the Federal tide sweeping back the confederate left flank, they gained immortality when General Barnard E. Bee, declared: “Look at Jackson’s Brigade! It stands there like a stone wall!”
It was shortly before noon when Jackson arrived at the summit of Henry Hill with his 2,000 Virginians. He rapidly grasped the situation and organized his men into a superb defensive position, which the Northern regiments were unable to break down, and in the end were to wear themselves out in their repeated attempts.
Jackson had situated his men at the edge of the pine woods on Henry Hill, and had ordered them to kneel and lie down to avaid enemy fire.
The 4th Virginia served with the Army of Northern Virginia until the end of the war. It was organized along with the 2nd, 5th, 27th and 33rd Virginia Regiments to make up the famous Stonewall Brigade.