SP132 The Desert Village Manger and Inn


SKU: SP132 Categories: ,


Back when K&C first introduced our ‘Desert Village’ buildings one of the most popular was the ‘Desert Stables’.
At that time many ‘Life of Jesus’ collectors utilized that typical Middle Eastern building for ‘Nativity’ scenes depicting the birth of the baby Jesus and brought together many of the K&C sets that depicted the Christmas story.
Move forward a few years and the original ‘Desert Stables’ has long been sold out and discontinued. At the same time many new collectors (and some older ones) have frequently requested a new and upgraded version and now, here it is.

This new ‘Desert Manager’ incorporated some of the typical design features that can be found in the original ‘Desert Village’ offerings while adding extra details all of its own. As you can see this new building can accommodate many kinds of different scenes, scenarios and figures to tell all types of stories in a variety of different historical timelines.

Measurements: 6 7/8″ long x 4 1/2″ deep x 7 5/8″ tall – OR- 17.5cm long x 11.5cm deep x 19.5cm tall.